Lapdesk – feedback fra brugerne
Lapdesk med LittleSun Diamond – feedback fra brugerne
Januar 2022 – Feedback fra lederen af Sichongo primary school.
Some learners received solar lights at Sichongo primary school. The solar lights are being used by the learners at their respective homesteads. The lights came at the right time when its time for farming. During this time traditionally the villagers will be busy during the day doing work in the fields, while children of school-going age will be herding cattle. Hence, they do not find time to attend to their books during the day. For this reason, the lights are used at night after supper.
Februar 2022:
Efter næsten 3 måneders brug af lapdesken udstyret med solcellelampen LittleSun Diamond, kan man forstå at denne pige i 6. klasse er glad – og specielt glad for lampen, der både lyser kraftigt og er gratis i brug. Det er et godt og sundere alternativ til den belysning, der normalt ville bruges i et hus uden elektricitet: petroleums lamper eller stearinlys. Hun siger at lampen kun bruges, når hun skal lave lektier eller andre indendørs gøremål om aftenen. Hun pointerer at den bruges således IKKE til hverken jagt eller fiskeri.
Med andre ord: Hun låner IKKE lampen ud til andre ♥
Juni 2022: Feedback fra lederen af Manganganga Primary School.
The lights donated to the school for use by learners at home are so helpful. Children are finding it easy to study and do their home work. Improvement in terms of performance is noted daily in classes and this is due to the studies learners are doing at home with the help of solar lights they have.
All learners that benefited from the solar lights are now doing their daily home work. The only challenge is that not all learners benefited .Some learners do find it hard to do their home works and even study at home. The school would greatly appreciate if it could have all learner from grade one bnefit.